Like humans, pets can suffer considerably from allergies. A variety of sources ranging from food and fleas to environmental irritants such as dust, grass, and pollen, can cause allergic reactions in your pet. St. Francis Hospital for Animals is pleased to provide a solution for pets residing in the Charlotte, Pineville, Matthews, and Indian Trail communities of North Carolina who are suffering from allergies. Our clinic is excited to offer immunotherapy for pets who experience moderate to severe allergies that cause pain and discomfort.
For people, immunotherapy is referred to as allergy shots. Veterinary immunotherapy and injections work in much the same way. If you notice your pet constantly biting itself, or scratching and whimpering, let us determine if immunotherapy is the right treatment.
We use a variety of allergy tests to determine which items cause a reaction in your pet. Once the cause of the allergy is identified, a serum is created specifically for your pet’s needs. The serum, containing small amounts of the allergen causing the reaction, is administered to your pet. Larger quantities of the substance are introduced over time. The therapy uses the immune system of the pet, rather than long-term prescribed steroids or medications, to develop a resistance to the substance causing the allergic reaction.
Ultimately, the desired result of the treatment is that the allergic response to the irritant will diminish over time. Please remember that some allergic conditions may take a significant amount of time to diagnose and bring under control.